Sunday, November 11, 2007

Special Delivery

Hungry for bak kut teh ?

So, collate a single order amounting to $40 and we will send bak kut teh to you!

SMS 94891868 to order!

For smaller orders, please sms to enquire if you can tag on any special delivery order!

Delivery would depend on the current traffic conditions. We will sms you on the earliest arrival time.

P.S Do not confuse this with our current supper service! This extra special service is provided for students who would want to eat Bak Kut Teh other than the stipulated timings!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi.. would you consider fixing an earlier delivery time slot so that students can have the food as dinner? From what I know, most of us staying in hall seldom take such heavy meal for supper. I think your services would definitely be more popular if there's an earlier delivery slot like 8pm or so.

November 14, 2007 at 7:41 PM  
Blogger Imperial BKT said...

Hi, we have taken into account that students would like to have that for dinner. And so we have imposed the minimum order of $60 per order to deliver the food for dinner. We will definitely provide it as a dinner service if there is a real demand for this. Thank you for your comment!

November 17, 2007 at 4:06 AM  

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